Wednesday, October 26, 2016

All-Weather Suit

Our bodies are amazing for their adaptability alone. Naturism is accepting your body and the bodies of others.
When it is a little cold, they heat up. When it is warm, they cool down. They are mostly resistant to water and can withstand short term exposure to the sun. They also keep out and resist disease and germs, while allowing healthy nutrients in.

But they can do even more if we just let them.

In most developed nations the body doesn’t even need to be covered because most spaces are climate controlled for optimum human comfort. Many people even practice modern hygiene as part of their daily lives.  However, in many country, public naked is not allowed. More and more people join in nudism, but for many Nudist Singles, they don't know how to find like-minded nudist friends. So choose one of the best nudist websites is a good idea.

On the other hand, I’ve witnessed people who don’t wear practical clothing even during inclement weather because they’re usually scampering from car to door or building to building or in the name of fashion.

So why shouldn’t society adopt a clothing optional policy? It would save time, money, energy, effort, limited natural resources, and increase moral. There appear to be an increasing number of upsides to daily nude living.

Choose one of the best nudist websites. Allow our bodies to work as they were designed to!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Nude & Unnude.

Language is an odd thing, and I want to know something from speakers of languages other the English. If the opposite of “Clothed” is “Unclothed”, then this most often makes clothed the ‘default’ state of being. As with a package (a gift) being “Wrapped” and “Unwrapped”, I would like to know why this is or how it came to be?  Dare to bare - feel real differences together with NudistFriends. Be free. Be nude.
Why isn’t “Bare” the default state and “Unbare” the opposite? Or “Nude” and “Unnude” a more common description? Come up with ideas with other nudist singles and couples on the nudist dating site.

Is it that humans having been wearing costumes for so long that dressed has become the “Default” state of existence? Playing dress-up is a favorite playtime activity of children, so clearly this behavior has been ingrained in human culture for many generations, and yet humans are the only animal on the planet with the skills to create costumes and wear them! Except for the tiny, humble hermit crab! Being naked will make you feel like a kid all over again and the nudist dating site the best chance to meet nudist friends from all over the world. Meet like-minded folk, share experiences and make friends.

Is there a culture with different words for “Nude” and “Clothed”? A contextual relationship where bare is the accepted state of being and decorated with a costume the “something added” (friend plus one) other state?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Nudist Photographers

Because of the over-abundance of female nudist pictures, I have always thought that the photographers of these pictures were men who wanted to leer at his photos long after the moment of capturing his girl-friend, wife, neighbor or stranger on film was over. But seeing these photos I will have to completely revise my way of thinking. I guess you can tell who the photographic voyeur is by who has the camera in their hands..

Every once in a while it’s useful to explain the thinking behind some of the galleries I post. I look at nudist pictures (over any other form of “nude” photography) because it’s the best way to view natural human beauty (speaking as a woman looking at nudists/naturists). I suppose avid photographers would be considered in the naturalist school if their focus was nudism, which gives it a nice, educated air while also simply speaking the truth. Natural nudity is by far the best sort photographic capturing of the human body there is. Most of nudist friends choose sharing the pics on the nudist dating site. Nudism should be shared. Of course. Share your nude cruise adventures with us on the Nudist Dating Site.

I love nudity. Not for any sexual reason. It just the ultimate representation of freedom, trust, comfort, and honesty. You trust the other to take you as you are, you are free to be yourself, and if you can share how you look nude, you can share your emotional nudity as well. Like sharing a cup of hot chocolate around an open fire. The warmth of friendship and the holiday spirit can be warmer than the fire or the cocoa. It’s perfectly human and okay to be close to each other, to share space, and moments with NudistFriends and others. How else can we form bonds of trust and reliability? 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Being True.

It’s hard to be honest with oneself. There are many things people won’t admit to even though they’ve known, on some level, for years. It might be because whatever “it” is, is counter-culture and they are not okay with it, they have taken a stance against it in the past and don’t want to be labeled a hypocrite, or maybe they’re just stubborn. As a nudist, nudity is a wonderful way of life. It’s very fulfilling emotionally, mentally, and physically. Nudist Dating Site bring nudist friends together. It allows us to feel great about ourselves, care for others, and experience life as it was meant to be. 
But denying the truth can be damaging to self and to others. Why is simple nudity considered a bad thing and shameful? It makes no sense.
Be nude, be happy.

If nudism has taught me anything, it’s not to deny myself the truth about what I’m feeling. Whether it’s that little voice in the back of my head or a gut feeling, I listen and acknowledge. The faster I can, the happier I am (despite some possible bad feelings) and the better I work with others.

However, that’s much easier said than done and some people never master it. Having an open mind and a welcoming support group of friends and/or family helps. Seeking like-minded nudist friends on Nudist Dating Site.

Be true to yourself, no matter what.