After a long period of work, not just a good day, but a good week, a good month of work there needs to be a period of recharge that goes beyond the daily meditations and respite. It needs to be a prolonged period of renewal for the self and spirit.
Meet nudist friends, throw off your clothes; throw off your worries. This renewal needs to take away all the stress, all the worry, and the daily reminders of “normal” life so we can become ourselves again. Many people and corporate strategists call it “unplugging.” It goes beyond leaving the phones behind though. It is about completely forgetting and letting go of our problems so when we come back, we can face them in new ways we never imagined and with energy to spare.
If the goal is to let go of who we are and where we came from, why even consider bringing clothing that would remind us of it all? They’d just get in the way. Think about how much of what we wear is associated with who we are in our minds. Of how the point of nudism is becoming reconnected with who we are and forgetting our labels in life.
Besides, nudists don’t have pockets to carry phones. The first step of “unplugging” has already been accomplished! Sharing your manners with other nudist friends on the Nudist Websites.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Clothing Optional.
Naturists and textiles need to share the road. Working side by side will not only help increase acceptance, understanding, and normalize casual nudity but will strengthen society overall.
We shouldn’t be forced to hide who we are or how we want to live. We need to get the message out that naturism and nudism are okay and a way of life that can work in society.
Naturism/nudism is a show of body confidence that benefits everyone by tearing away the notion that only one body type is acceptable.
Meet nudist friends, sharing our likes and interests can spark new ideas and interests in others. I’ve rarely seen groups fail when they are open to new ideas and accept everyone for who they are.
Meet nudist Friends, It’s amazing how much the world changes when we take off our clothes. Hanging out with nudist friends in the nude. Dare to bare - feel real differences together with nudist friends. Be free. Be nude.
We shouldn’t be forced to hide who we are or how we want to live. We need to get the message out that naturism and nudism are okay and a way of life that can work in society.
Naturism/nudism is a show of body confidence that benefits everyone by tearing away the notion that only one body type is acceptable.
Meet nudist friends, sharing our likes and interests can spark new ideas and interests in others. I’ve rarely seen groups fail when they are open to new ideas and accept everyone for who they are.
Meet nudist Friends, It’s amazing how much the world changes when we take off our clothes. Hanging out with nudist friends in the nude. Dare to bare - feel real differences together with nudist friends. Be free. Be nude.
There will always be some line of division. What matters is how we handle it and that the agreements we come to serve both interests as best as possible.
People are people. We are all different. Part of growing up is learning to share the road and accept ourselves and others for who we are.
People are people. We are all different. Part of growing up is learning to share the road and accept ourselves and others for who we are.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Nudist Children
Parents of children who like to take their clothes off. I have some advice: Let them... (Unless the situation demands otherwise, for example, they are in a public place, there are friends nearby who might not understand, they are putting themselves in bodily harm, etc. Use your parent’s intuition to help a child learn when it is and isn’t okay to be nude).
And why wouldn’t Nudist Family have more fun? They get to be naked! Otherwise, there are many benefits of being nude with your family. Common home nudity should be practiced by all families for a myriad of reasons: It's fun!
The benefits of living a nude life are countless. Nudist children usually grow up understanding their body and not fearing it. They see their friends messing themselves up trying to follow the fashion trends of the day and wrecking themselves to meet impossible standards because of low body-image.
Nudist children usually don’t suffer from poor body image because they know how great and amazing the body is. Their body is not a mystery to them. This allows them a greater ability to fully realize what their body can do and how it works. After winning that battle, what’s there to be afraid?
Living nude allows the skin to fully function as an environmental receptor. Instead of only taking in touch sense through the hands and face, the whole body takes it in. Meaning that more neural pathways are developed and opened, increasing the mind for a wider, more sophisticated, processing of what is going on around them. This is especially important during the formative years because it will help train the brain to be more flexible. A flexible brain helps ward off mental disorders later in life.
And why wouldn’t Nudist Family have more fun? They get to be naked! Otherwise, there are many benefits of being nude with your family. Common home nudity should be practiced by all families for a myriad of reasons: It's fun!
The benefits of living a nude life are countless. Nudist children usually grow up understanding their body and not fearing it. They see their friends messing themselves up trying to follow the fashion trends of the day and wrecking themselves to meet impossible standards because of low body-image.
Nudist children usually don’t suffer from poor body image because they know how great and amazing the body is. Their body is not a mystery to them. This allows them a greater ability to fully realize what their body can do and how it works. After winning that battle, what’s there to be afraid?
Living nude allows the skin to fully function as an environmental receptor. Instead of only taking in touch sense through the hands and face, the whole body takes it in. Meaning that more neural pathways are developed and opened, increasing the mind for a wider, more sophisticated, processing of what is going on around them. This is especially important during the formative years because it will help train the brain to be more flexible. A flexible brain helps ward off mental disorders later in life.
Meet nudist friends, sharing nudism with nudist friends. Nudism is fun! Not only is experiencing everything great for the brain, it feels good too since it causes the brain to release endorphins or the “feel good” hormone. This is the same feeling athletes get after a good workout. (Which only adds more positive feelings towards their body-image!)
But the best part is, nudism is not just for kids. Parents should do it to since the same benefit applies to them as well. Living as nudist family. It’s never too early or late to start living as we were born to live.
But the best part is, nudism is not just for kids. Parents should do it to since the same benefit applies to them as well. Living as nudist family. It’s never too early or late to start living as we were born to live.
family nudism,
meet nudist friends,
nudist family
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Be Proud of ourselves - Real Nudists
We’ve got a one of a kind body, so why not be proud of it? It’s our life, why not make it ours? Real nudists don't hide themselves.
The great thing about nudity is that it lives up to the hype. It’s not a gimmick or scam. When we are nude, what society tells us about our bodies doesn’t matter. Being nude feels great. It’s the best and easiest way to overcome body shame, low self-esteem, and low self-image.
No group I know of makes someone feel like they belong better than real nudists. That’s because being around other helps us realize we are the same. We all have our unique qualities but everyone is basically the same. There’s no posturing, no boasting, and very little judgement. Believe it or not, that’s a mega confidence booster. Real nudists dare to bare, It a vast world out there. Adventure nude!
Think about it, what meter did we use to judge others and how were we judged? Clothing! Take that away and what do you have? Almost no judgement and a lot less stress. Who cares what we wear when we’re all bare!
It’s our life, why not be happy with it and proud of ourselves? As a real nudist, take off your clothing and own your life.
The great thing about nudity is that it lives up to the hype. It’s not a gimmick or scam. When we are nude, what society tells us about our bodies doesn’t matter. Being nude feels great. It’s the best and easiest way to overcome body shame, low self-esteem, and low self-image.
No group I know of makes someone feel like they belong better than real nudists. That’s because being around other helps us realize we are the same. We all have our unique qualities but everyone is basically the same. There’s no posturing, no boasting, and very little judgement. Believe it or not, that’s a mega confidence booster. Real nudists dare to bare, It a vast world out there. Adventure nude!
Think about it, what meter did we use to judge others and how were we judged? Clothing! Take that away and what do you have? Almost no judgement and a lot less stress. Who cares what we wear when we’re all bare!
It’s our life, why not be happy with it and proud of ourselves? As a real nudist, take off your clothing and own your life.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Nude Swap
Swap how good you look nude. Nude Swap & be inspired: Shedding clothes together is a kind of trust, freedom, openness and a display of a positive body image. Nude swap means less hiding & more freedom. You’ll love to hang out seasides without any additions or covering up to feel unrestricted - for sure not wearing a stitch of clothing the nude state will brighten the day! The interaction that friends want while being skinny together is not with your facade but with you. Though nudity is may the best way of building relationships & an open minded nudist community - all benefits that make it also easier to establish and enjoy strong friendships.
Break the clothes addiction: Be the first in your friend group, who’ll suggest a pants-free stroll beachsides. When we’re naked, we’re all equal. Nobody’s greater than anybody else. And that right there is peace and true freedom. We are treated with respect, dignity and equality when we are socially nude with others. …and the freeing feeling of the air, water and sun on the skin will be a very powerful de-stressing experience. If someone fetch a delighted view of the naked hunk’s display it doesn’t really matter. You trust the other to take you as you are! Embrace all of yourself, and see how great life can be when you allow it to be!
Always worth to go ahead: Nude swap. Join in Nudist Community. Rid yourself of shame! There’s nothing quite like to revitalize your body. Enjoy nude life! It’s relaxing to be who we are in a crowd of people. Once if you start, you’ll never stop, cause you’ll never find a more comfortable feeling. See how great life can be when you allow it to be! Get it within pride but for sure without a towel!
Break the clothes addiction: Be the first in your friend group, who’ll suggest a pants-free stroll beachsides. When we’re naked, we’re all equal. Nobody’s greater than anybody else. And that right there is peace and true freedom. We are treated with respect, dignity and equality when we are socially nude with others. …and the freeing feeling of the air, water and sun on the skin will be a very powerful de-stressing experience. If someone fetch a delighted view of the naked hunk’s display it doesn’t really matter. You trust the other to take you as you are! Embrace all of yourself, and see how great life can be when you allow it to be!
Always worth to go ahead: Nude swap. Join in Nudist Community. Rid yourself of shame! There’s nothing quite like to revitalize your body. Enjoy nude life! It’s relaxing to be who we are in a crowd of people. Once if you start, you’ll never stop, cause you’ll never find a more comfortable feeling. See how great life can be when you allow it to be! Get it within pride but for sure without a towel!
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Real Nudist Have No Secret.
We all have our secrets. Something that is personal and only we know. Nudism and naturism shouldn’t be one of those secrets. Real Nudist have no secret, real nudist swap nude times each other.
It’s hard to keep something like that secret anyway. People know. They can tell when others are holding back. It can create tension and might drive a wedge into a relationship.
If we can’t share our nudity with our friends or know they wouldn’t understand, are they the type of friends we want to have?
Telling family is up to the individual. For some, it works out well. For others it’s worth the effort to wait until later or not at all.
In general, friends and family shouldn’t keep secrets from each other. Especially when the secret is something as big and life defining at nudism or naturism.
Nudism is not sex. nudism is not porn. nudism is family friendly. Nudism increases self - confidence and is for everybodyNudism is a kind of therapy. It’s always an incredible feel good experience. Just do everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene. We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and others as they are and for who they are. Real nudists naked together. Nudism can help you accept yourself and others, reject shame and exploitation of the human body, and gain better self-esteem and self-worth.
It’s hard to keep something like that secret anyway. People know. They can tell when others are holding back. It can create tension and might drive a wedge into a relationship.
If we can’t share our nudity with our friends or know they wouldn’t understand, are they the type of friends we want to have?
Telling family is up to the individual. For some, it works out well. For others it’s worth the effort to wait until later or not at all.
In general, friends and family shouldn’t keep secrets from each other. Especially when the secret is something as big and life defining at nudism or naturism.
Nudism is not sex. nudism is not porn. nudism is family friendly. Nudism increases self - confidence and is for everybodyNudism is a kind of therapy. It’s always an incredible feel good experience. Just do everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene. We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and others as they are and for who they are. Real nudists naked together. Nudism can help you accept yourself and others, reject shame and exploitation of the human body, and gain better self-esteem and self-worth.
Real nudist have to secret. Give family-friendly nude recreation a try sometime. It could change your life!
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Be Nude, Be Yourself.
Some people are reluctant to try nudism because they “don’t look good enough” to be seen naked. They certainly don’t understand what nudism is about. Real Nudist don't care what your body look like.
Nudism is all about accepting yourself and others for who they are, not for what they look like. While most of us strive to be healthier, and many strive to drop a few pounds, nudists don’t hide out of shame. Nudists understand that the “ideal body” that the media portrays is a fantasy. No one can look like that, and no one should look like that. Each person is perfect how they are, and every nudist accepts each other as they are. Friends support each other. They might all be nudists, they might not even like nudism or let you be nude around them, but they shouldn’t hold it against you. Gather together with real nudist, you will find the different of the world.
Nudists seem to be happier. It's amazing that to enjoy this way of life in harmony with nature can relieve so much stress. Social nudity really promotes equality and respect. Being nude in groups makes us all feel more accepted. Real nudists from all walks of life are nudists. I’ve met nudists who are doctors, lawyers, ministers, authors, entrepreneurs, engineers and even cops. You never know who you’ll meet.
If you’re reluctant to try nudism because you don’t think you “look good enough”, then you really should challenge yourself to accept yourself as you are and understand that nudists will accept you exactly how you look. We think you should stop listening to what society says you should be and love who you are today! It’s really difficult to explain the change in your life that comes from taking your clothing off and getting out there with like-minded real nudist. But I can tell you one thing - I’d never go back.
Nudism is all about accepting yourself and others for who they are, not for what they look like. While most of us strive to be healthier, and many strive to drop a few pounds, nudists don’t hide out of shame. Nudists understand that the “ideal body” that the media portrays is a fantasy. No one can look like that, and no one should look like that. Each person is perfect how they are, and every nudist accepts each other as they are. Friends support each other. They might all be nudists, they might not even like nudism or let you be nude around them, but they shouldn’t hold it against you. Gather together with real nudist, you will find the different of the world.
Nudists seem to be happier. It's amazing that to enjoy this way of life in harmony with nature can relieve so much stress. Social nudity really promotes equality and respect. Being nude in groups makes us all feel more accepted. Real nudists from all walks of life are nudists. I’ve met nudists who are doctors, lawyers, ministers, authors, entrepreneurs, engineers and even cops. You never know who you’ll meet.
If you’re reluctant to try nudism because you don’t think you “look good enough”, then you really should challenge yourself to accept yourself as you are and understand that nudists will accept you exactly how you look. We think you should stop listening to what society says you should be and love who you are today! It’s really difficult to explain the change in your life that comes from taking your clothing off and getting out there with like-minded real nudist. But I can tell you one thing - I’d never go back.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Nudist Swap Moments
It seems that when we start out as nudists, the moments we get to be nude are few and far between. They just don’t last long enough. Nudist Swap nude time and nudism will be a trend in the future.
Try stringing together moments of nudity. Combine sleeping with breakfast. Find ways to integrate nudity into other daily activities.
Try to make it a goal to never wear clothes at home. Be open about your nudity with the people you live with. It’s the easiest and fastest way to extend your nude moments.
If your housemates aren’t okay with, it not all is lost. Train yourself to be nude whenever they leave or you have the place to yourself. Establish boundaries and go nude in your room.
Ask your friends if they’d mind us being nude during hangouts. If they don’t, strip. It’s nerve wracking and scary but be brave and go for it. It’s totally worth it. Great friends don't care if you are bare, nudist swap nude and lifestyle.
Join local nudist groups or clubs. One of the greatest ways to increase nude moments is to become social. Good clubs are always have something going on. It’s a great way to network and find more opportunities to be nude. Get more info on the Nudist Websites.
Perhaps one day we might realize we can’t remember the last time we wore clothes or even needed them. The places we go, people we hang out with, and our activities don’t require them. That’s a moment I look forward to.
May your nude moments last longer than the clothed ones.
Try to make it a goal to never wear clothes at home. Be open about your nudity with the people you live with. It’s the easiest and fastest way to extend your nude moments.
If your housemates aren’t okay with, it not all is lost. Train yourself to be nude whenever they leave or you have the place to yourself. Establish boundaries and go nude in your room.
Ask your friends if they’d mind us being nude during hangouts. If they don’t, strip. It’s nerve wracking and scary but be brave and go for it. It’s totally worth it. Great friends don't care if you are bare, nudist swap nude and lifestyle.
Join local nudist groups or clubs. One of the greatest ways to increase nude moments is to become social. Good clubs are always have something going on. It’s a great way to network and find more opportunities to be nude. Get more info on the Nudist Websites.
Perhaps one day we might realize we can’t remember the last time we wore clothes or even needed them. The places we go, people we hang out with, and our activities don’t require them. That’s a moment I look forward to.
May your nude moments last longer than the clothed ones.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Swap Nudism
Why would anyone not jump at the chance to be nude? That’s not the primary goal of swapping naturism though. It’s about letting us extend our practice. The bonus is when they join us. Nudist Swap nudism each others.
The first thing to do before swap our naturism to friends, family, etc. is to figure out why we want to. Understanding the “why” will give us much more confidence and a better chance at success.
Consider their viewpoints. Ask them questions about naturism and nudism before hand. Understand how they see it and if it’s worth pursuing at all.
After figuring all that out, find the right approach. Always be honest, up front, and be yourself.
Success is what we make it. For me it’s finding a new ally in the naturist movement. If it doesn’t work out, we can figure out what went wrong or wasn’t right and do better next time.
Remember, it’s not persuading them to try it, it’s about us staying nude longer. They might not join us, but showing them naturists/nudists are nothing to fear is a win in itself.
Who have you swapped naturism to? How well did it go? Nudist swap nude times.
The first thing to do before swap our naturism to friends, family, etc. is to figure out why we want to. Understanding the “why” will give us much more confidence and a better chance at success.
Consider their viewpoints. Ask them questions about naturism and nudism before hand. Understand how they see it and if it’s worth pursuing at all.
After figuring all that out, find the right approach. Always be honest, up front, and be yourself.
Success is what we make it. For me it’s finding a new ally in the naturist movement. If it doesn’t work out, we can figure out what went wrong or wasn’t right and do better next time.
Remember, it’s not persuading them to try it, it’s about us staying nude longer. They might not join us, but showing them naturists/nudists are nothing to fear is a win in itself.
Who have you swapped naturism to? How well did it go? Nudist swap nude times.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Meet Nudist Friends
Nudist Friends who understand and help each other are the best kinds of friends. They will tell you what you don’t want to hear, but need to hear. They will laugh with you, cry with you, and help you. They are the best support network anyone can have.
They will not judge you for your actions, scorn you for your beliefs, or belittle you for what you love. These are not friends, they are enemies, rivals, and are set to tear you down and hold you back.
So many people have the wrong view about starting nudism/naturism. They think it’s about the beach, when it’s really about starting at home and working up.
It’s never about force. It’s never about pressure. Respect their wishes. If they don’t want to, that’s their choice.
Personally, I don’t like the word “convert” in this context. I think we’re all nudists on one level or another. Most people find their comfort zone. After all, there’s really no way to get away from it.
Hopefully we’ll be able to expand that zone of theirs. Then, who knows, maybe they’ll convince their friends to be nudist friends.
Meet Nudist friends. Keep them close. Be happy.
They will not judge you for your actions, scorn you for your beliefs, or belittle you for what you love. These are not friends, they are enemies, rivals, and are set to tear you down and hold you back.
So many people have the wrong view about starting nudism/naturism. They think it’s about the beach, when it’s really about starting at home and working up.
It’s never about force. It’s never about pressure. Respect their wishes. If they don’t want to, that’s their choice.
Personally, I don’t like the word “convert” in this context. I think we’re all nudists on one level or another. Most people find their comfort zone. After all, there’s really no way to get away from it.
Hopefully we’ll be able to expand that zone of theirs. Then, who knows, maybe they’ll convince their friends to be nudist friends.
Meet Nudist friends. Keep them close. Be happy.
meet nudist friends,
nudist dating,
nudist friends
Friday, November 11, 2016
Nudist Culture
A very important point for nudist in nudism practice is that the naturist naked and ashamed, at least, is shy and shame linked to different point of view, I come into contact with the nudist all don't think that will make them feel shy naked, won't let them feel ashamed or shame.If feel shame at the moment of taking off clothes, where will strip naked?
Many psychologists and anthropologists believe that exposure to physical shyness is likely to be the result of the dress, rather than the cause. For naked shyness is a kind of social phenomenon, rather than physiological instincts.In art, nudism is respected, the fact proved this view. Nudist Swap with nudist friends.
Some psychologists is the theory of human invention developed the clothes, the purpose is to distinguish themselves with animals. Was forced to put on clothes do not conform to the natural form, as expressed by the each other members of the animal kingdom. Human beings are the only species of clothes, don't wear clothes they will be the animals, then to be ashamed. Fred Ilfeld and Roger Lauer wrote: " human's main goal is to gain advantage. One way is by wearing clothes. Wear clothes not only to protect and decorate, more important is through the dress said a position, not only among human beings, it is more important is related to the location of the person in nature. Clothes make the person don't look like animals, like the glare of the organ in god." Lawrence Langner added: "the modern man is a Puritan, rather than a pagan, and through their own clothes human can overcome them or mixed in public companies show organ in shame. He through the basic inferiority into superiority, and he claims to be asexual god himself. But, take off his clothes, can see clearly that he is god and animals. He is playing the roles of two contradictory distinct, the role of the two rival, contradict each other, the result is a mess."
We are not born for naked shame, we are learn the naked shame about ourselves. How many clothes you should wear, then you will not feel shame, these are the different cultural and it will be changed with the different time and situation. True nudist swap lifestyle and happiness with other nudist friends. We're here waiting for you.
Many psychologists and anthropologists believe that exposure to physical shyness is likely to be the result of the dress, rather than the cause. For naked shyness is a kind of social phenomenon, rather than physiological instincts.In art, nudism is respected, the fact proved this view. Nudist Swap with nudist friends.
Some psychologists is the theory of human invention developed the clothes, the purpose is to distinguish themselves with animals. Was forced to put on clothes do not conform to the natural form, as expressed by the each other members of the animal kingdom. Human beings are the only species of clothes, don't wear clothes they will be the animals, then to be ashamed. Fred Ilfeld and Roger Lauer wrote: " human's main goal is to gain advantage. One way is by wearing clothes. Wear clothes not only to protect and decorate, more important is through the dress said a position, not only among human beings, it is more important is related to the location of the person in nature. Clothes make the person don't look like animals, like the glare of the organ in god." Lawrence Langner added: "the modern man is a Puritan, rather than a pagan, and through their own clothes human can overcome them or mixed in public companies show organ in shame. He through the basic inferiority into superiority, and he claims to be asexual god himself. But, take off his clothes, can see clearly that he is god and animals. He is playing the roles of two contradictory distinct, the role of the two rival, contradict each other, the result is a mess."
We are not born for naked shame, we are learn the naked shame about ourselves. How many clothes you should wear, then you will not feel shame, these are the different cultural and it will be changed with the different time and situation. True nudist swap lifestyle and happiness with other nudist friends. We're here waiting for you.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Meet Nudist Friends
If you haven’t yet, you really should Meet Nudist Friends outdoors.. Doing so drives home that we are not alone in our nude journey. Meet nudist friends on the best nudist dating site. It’s one thing to read more nudist life story and for nudist chat online, Find like minded people, go outside and enjoy nudism together.
Great places to meet are at the beach or a club. Some groups offer clothed meeting sessions at local coffeehouses or restaurants as a way to meet those who are curious, but not sure if nudity is for them. You can get more information on Nudist Dating Site.
No matter what, make sure the meeting is in a public space. Somewhere with lots of people. It’s a lot like meeting anyone or a group for the first time. Stay safe.
This goes for friends too. It’s great to make a lot of nudist friends online, but always meet in neutral territory first.
Technology is great for bringing us together, but it can only go so far. There’s nothing that replaces the experience of meeting others face-to-face.
I love reading about how people have met at nudist clubs, conventions, or other nudist dating. If you have a story feel free to share it.
Great places to meet are at the beach or a club. Some groups offer clothed meeting sessions at local coffeehouses or restaurants as a way to meet those who are curious, but not sure if nudity is for them. You can get more information on Nudist Dating Site.
No matter what, make sure the meeting is in a public space. Somewhere with lots of people. It’s a lot like meeting anyone or a group for the first time. Stay safe.
This goes for friends too. It’s great to make a lot of nudist friends online, but always meet in neutral territory first.
Technology is great for bringing us together, but it can only go so far. There’s nothing that replaces the experience of meeting others face-to-face.
I love reading about how people have met at nudist clubs, conventions, or other nudist dating. If you have a story feel free to share it.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
All-Weather Suit
Our bodies are amazing for their adaptability alone. Naturism is accepting your body and the bodies of others.
When it is a little cold, they heat up. When it is warm, they cool down. They are mostly resistant to water and can withstand short term exposure to the sun. They also keep out and resist disease and germs, while allowing healthy nutrients in.
But they can do even more if we just let them.
In most developed nations the body doesn’t even need to be covered because most spaces are climate controlled for optimum human comfort. Many people even practice modern hygiene as part of their daily lives. However, in many country, public naked is not allowed. More and more people join in nudism, but for many Nudist Singles, they don't know how to find like-minded nudist friends. So choose one of the best nudist websites is a good idea.
On the other hand, I’ve witnessed people who don’t wear practical clothing even during inclement weather because they’re usually scampering from car to door or building to building or in the name of fashion.
So why shouldn’t society adopt a clothing optional policy? It would save time, money, energy, effort, limited natural resources, and increase moral. There appear to be an increasing number of upsides to daily nude living.
Choose one of the best nudist websites. Allow our bodies to work as they were designed to!
But they can do even more if we just let them.
In most developed nations the body doesn’t even need to be covered because most spaces are climate controlled for optimum human comfort. Many people even practice modern hygiene as part of their daily lives. However, in many country, public naked is not allowed. More and more people join in nudism, but for many Nudist Singles, they don't know how to find like-minded nudist friends. So choose one of the best nudist websites is a good idea.
On the other hand, I’ve witnessed people who don’t wear practical clothing even during inclement weather because they’re usually scampering from car to door or building to building or in the name of fashion.
So why shouldn’t society adopt a clothing optional policy? It would save time, money, energy, effort, limited natural resources, and increase moral. There appear to be an increasing number of upsides to daily nude living.
Choose one of the best nudist websites. Allow our bodies to work as they were designed to!
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Nude & Unnude.
Language is an odd thing, and I want to know something from speakers of languages other the English. If the opposite of “Clothed” is “Unclothed”, then this most often makes clothed the ‘default’ state of being. As with a package (a gift) being “Wrapped” and “Unwrapped”, I would like to know why this is or how it came to be? Dare to bare - feel real differences together with NudistFriends. Be free. Be nude.
Why isn’t “Bare” the default state and “Unbare” the opposite? Or “Nude” and “Unnude” a more common description? Come up with ideas with other nudist singles and couples on the nudist dating site.
Is it that humans having been wearing costumes for so long that dressed has become the “Default” state of existence? Playing dress-up is a favorite playtime activity of children, so clearly this behavior has been ingrained in human culture for many generations, and yet humans are the only animal on the planet with the skills to create costumes and wear them! Except for the tiny, humble hermit crab! Being naked will make you feel like a kid all over again and the nudist dating site the best chance to meet nudist friends from all over the world. Meet like-minded folk, share experiences and make friends.
Is there a culture with different words for “Nude” and “Clothed”? A contextual relationship where bare is the accepted state of being and decorated with a costume the “something added” (friend plus one) other state?
Is it that humans having been wearing costumes for so long that dressed has become the “Default” state of existence? Playing dress-up is a favorite playtime activity of children, so clearly this behavior has been ingrained in human culture for many generations, and yet humans are the only animal on the planet with the skills to create costumes and wear them! Except for the tiny, humble hermit crab! Being naked will make you feel like a kid all over again and the nudist dating site the best chance to meet nudist friends from all over the world. Meet like-minded folk, share experiences and make friends.
Is there a culture with different words for “Nude” and “Clothed”? A contextual relationship where bare is the accepted state of being and decorated with a costume the “something added” (friend plus one) other state?
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Nudist Photographers
Because of the over-abundance of female nudist pictures, I have always thought that the photographers of these pictures were men who wanted to leer at his photos long after the moment of capturing his girl-friend, wife, neighbor or stranger on film was over. But seeing these photos I will have to completely revise my way of thinking. I guess you can tell who the photographic voyeur is by who has the camera in their hands..
Every once in a while it’s useful to explain the thinking behind some of the galleries I post. I look at nudist pictures (over any other form of “nude” photography) because it’s the best way to view natural human beauty (speaking as a woman looking at nudists/naturists). I suppose avid photographers would be considered in the naturalist school if their focus was nudism, which gives it a nice, educated air while also simply speaking the truth. Natural nudity is by far the best sort photographic capturing of the human body there is. Most of nudist friends choose sharing the pics on the nudist dating site. Nudism should be shared. Of course. Share your nude cruise adventures with us on the Nudist Dating Site.
Every once in a while it’s useful to explain the thinking behind some of the galleries I post. I look at nudist pictures (over any other form of “nude” photography) because it’s the best way to view natural human beauty (speaking as a woman looking at nudists/naturists). I suppose avid photographers would be considered in the naturalist school if their focus was nudism, which gives it a nice, educated air while also simply speaking the truth. Natural nudity is by far the best sort photographic capturing of the human body there is. Most of nudist friends choose sharing the pics on the nudist dating site. Nudism should be shared. Of course. Share your nude cruise adventures with us on the Nudist Dating Site.
I love nudity. Not for any sexual reason. It just the ultimate representation of freedom, trust, comfort, and honesty. You trust the other to take you as you are, you are free to be yourself, and if you can share how you look nude, you can share your emotional nudity as well. Like sharing a cup of hot chocolate around an open fire. The warmth of friendship and the holiday spirit can be warmer than the fire or the cocoa. It’s perfectly human and okay to be close to each other, to share space, and moments with NudistFriends and others. How else can we form bonds of trust and reliability?
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Being True.
It’s hard to be honest with oneself. There are many things people won’t admit to even though they’ve known, on some level, for years. It might be because whatever “it” is, is counter-culture and they are not okay with it, they have taken a stance against it in the past and don’t want to be labeled a hypocrite, or maybe they’re just stubborn. As a nudist, nudity is a wonderful way of life. It’s very fulfilling emotionally, mentally, and physically. Nudist Dating Site bring nudist friends together. It allows us to feel great about ourselves, care for others, and experience life as it was meant to be.
But denying the truth can be damaging to self and to others. Why is simple nudity considered a bad thing and shameful? It makes no sense.
Be nude, be happy.
If nudism has taught me anything, it’s not to deny myself the truth about what I’m feeling. Whether it’s that little voice in the back of my head or a gut feeling, I listen and acknowledge. The faster I can, the happier I am (despite some possible bad feelings) and the better I work with others.
However, that’s much easier said than done and some people never master it. Having an open mind and a welcoming support group of friends and/or family helps. Seeking like-minded nudist friends on Nudist Dating Site.
Be true to yourself, no matter what.
If nudism has taught me anything, it’s not to deny myself the truth about what I’m feeling. Whether it’s that little voice in the back of my head or a gut feeling, I listen and acknowledge. The faster I can, the happier I am (despite some possible bad feelings) and the better I work with others.
However, that’s much easier said than done and some people never master it. Having an open mind and a welcoming support group of friends and/or family helps. Seeking like-minded nudist friends on Nudist Dating Site.
Be true to yourself, no matter what.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Dare to Bare.
Many new Nudist Friends are afraid of being nude because of their scars. However, scars shouldn’t matter. Naturism/nudism is about accepting people for who they are. So, there’s really nothing to worry about. There is no obligation to talk about them if they make you uncomfortable and most nudists won’t pry. In fact, True Nudist Friends don't care what your body looks like, if they do after you’ve made it clear you don’t want to talk about it, then you should report them for harassment.
I’ve not found any resort or club with rules banning scars. Life is hard, we all get banged up now and then. The point is to be here and support each other. It’s a core tenet of naturism.
Tattoos are more of an issue for some. Since nudism/naturism was founded as a health movement more traditional or conservative groups ban them, even though they may not ban alcohol and smoking.
Get more info from our Nudist Dating Site before joining nudist club or group. Many will be very up front about it in their code of conduct/rules/regulations. Basic rule of thumb will be to treat it like being out in the general public. Nudists are still a segment of the population. Their reaction will depend on where you are. It may not matter even then.
So have fun, get nude and enjoy life. Join our nudist dating site, We’ll be glad to meet you.
I’ve not found any resort or club with rules banning scars. Life is hard, we all get banged up now and then. The point is to be here and support each other. It’s a core tenet of naturism.
Tattoos are more of an issue for some. Since nudism/naturism was founded as a health movement more traditional or conservative groups ban them, even though they may not ban alcohol and smoking.
Get more info from our Nudist Dating Site before joining nudist club or group. Many will be very up front about it in their code of conduct/rules/regulations. Basic rule of thumb will be to treat it like being out in the general public. Nudists are still a segment of the population. Their reaction will depend on where you are. It may not matter even then.
So have fun, get nude and enjoy life. Join our nudist dating site, We’ll be glad to meet you.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Every one is different. I’ve noticed some don’t believe me when I tell them I’ll be nude most of the time. It can take until I’m actually standing in front of them before they get it. The look they get.
Anything can happen in situations where someone has been completely isolated against nudity. They’ve sometimes freaked out, gotten embarrassed or flustered, but other times they are completely chill. Introduce the Nudist Websites to them, let them know more about nudism.
That’s why I like to be nude around them in a place they are comfortable and to make sure it’s something they’re okay with. I don’t want to live in a place I can’t be nude. I also don’t want to make others uncomfortable.
That’s not to say there haven’t been some misunderstandings or communication issues in the past. Meeting before moving in sometimes isn’t possible, much less feasible.
Going nude in front of complete strangers that aren’t nudists can also be very nerve-racking for us too. Just remember, the more we are nude around others the more natural it becomes. And I think Nudist Friends should be naked together.
Despite their initial reactions, those who have stuck it out have almost all found that nudity isn’t that big a deal. Sometimes they even become nudists themselves.
Still, I love the look on their faces when they didn’t believe me. Seeking more nudist friends on the Nudist Websites.
Anything can happen in situations where someone has been completely isolated against nudity. They’ve sometimes freaked out, gotten embarrassed or flustered, but other times they are completely chill. Introduce the Nudist Websites to them, let them know more about nudism.
That’s why I like to be nude around them in a place they are comfortable and to make sure it’s something they’re okay with. I don’t want to live in a place I can’t be nude. I also don’t want to make others uncomfortable.
That’s not to say there haven’t been some misunderstandings or communication issues in the past. Meeting before moving in sometimes isn’t possible, much less feasible.
Going nude in front of complete strangers that aren’t nudists can also be very nerve-racking for us too. Just remember, the more we are nude around others the more natural it becomes. And I think Nudist Friends should be naked together.
Despite their initial reactions, those who have stuck it out have almost all found that nudity isn’t that big a deal. Sometimes they even become nudists themselves.
Still, I love the look on their faces when they didn’t believe me. Seeking more nudist friends on the Nudist Websites.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Nudist Dating Sites For Nudist Friends
Friends are people that are their for you. Someone you wouldn’t mind taking to the airport or having over for a movie night.
They’re there for you when you are down as we are there for them in their troubled times.
Most of all friends accept us for who we are. They support our decisions or give us a reality check when we need it. Give nudism a try. You friends don't care if you're bare. Maybe you will be Nudist Friends in the future.
As naturists our friends support and understand our nudity. They might not be nudists themselves, but they never give us a funny look (well, maybe during the first time) and they certainly don’t shame us into getting dressed.
We should be free to tell them we are nudists/naturists and practice around them without fear that they’ll leave. Because if they do, we’re they really good friends to begin with? If you are new to nudism, don't worry. Nudist Dating Sites will help you find local nudist friends quickly.
They’re there for you when you are down as we are there for them in their troubled times.
Most of all friends accept us for who we are. They support our decisions or give us a reality check when we need it. Give nudism a try. You friends don't care if you're bare. Maybe you will be Nudist Friends in the future.
As naturists our friends support and understand our nudity. They might not be nudists themselves, but they never give us a funny look (well, maybe during the first time) and they certainly don’t shame us into getting dressed.
We should be free to tell them we are nudists/naturists and practice around them without fear that they’ll leave. Because if they do, we’re they really good friends to begin with? If you are new to nudism, don't worry. Nudist Dating Sites will help you find local nudist friends quickly.
Nudist Dating Sites is a friendly and confidential environment created exclusively for members of the nudist and naturist community looking for nudist friends, relationships, and resources for the nudist lifestyle. Full featured, it includes, blogs, forums, and news and it's free to place lifetime ads! With our search it's easy to find other nudists in your area as we have members from all over the world. If you enjoy naked living, skinny dipping, and meeting/dating nudists then your search starts here.
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nudist friends,
nudist life
Friday, July 15, 2016
The Nude-Friendly Office
I believe that office workplaces might be more relaxing if everyone would work nude. I mean, the space is temperature controlled. And when people are working in close proximity with each other while clothed, there tends to be higher tensions, more irritability, and a lack of empathy. That’s because clothing creates artificial symbols of status and cause rifts between people where the wouldn’t be otherwise. As a Nudist Dating, everyone feel freedom in the office. It's like to make ourselves at home in our office (View nudist family life stories on the Nudist Websites.
As nudists know, it’s hard to get angry when both parties are not wearing clothing. Sure, sometimes things get stressful to meet the deadline, and people can’t pull their punches in order for the work to be done, but that’s not all the time.
Everyone has different levels of comfort when going nude. Sometime it skews way past comfort and leads to necessity. Clothing just feels icky after awhile.
In a nude, body-positive world, going nude about daily activities and work shouldn’t be a problem. It should be the solution. Nudity breaks down barriers. It’s helps people bond with each other in professional matters. It allows us to emphasize with each other more easily and to convey our feelings in an honest way. Work time seem to be the nudist dating time. Everything will be ok.
So introduce nudity and see how competitions can become collaborations and the office can become more appreciative and supporting of itself. View more successful experience on the Nudist Websites.
As nudists know, it’s hard to get angry when both parties are not wearing clothing. Sure, sometimes things get stressful to meet the deadline, and people can’t pull their punches in order for the work to be done, but that’s not all the time.
Everyone has different levels of comfort when going nude. Sometime it skews way past comfort and leads to necessity. Clothing just feels icky after awhile.
In a nude, body-positive world, going nude about daily activities and work shouldn’t be a problem. It should be the solution. Nudity breaks down barriers. It’s helps people bond with each other in professional matters. It allows us to emphasize with each other more easily and to convey our feelings in an honest way. Work time seem to be the nudist dating time. Everything will be ok.
So introduce nudity and see how competitions can become collaborations and the office can become more appreciative and supporting of itself. View more successful experience on the Nudist Websites.
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naked together,
nude friendly,
nude office,
nudist dating,
nudist friends
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Open Air Public Showers.
There’s nothing like showering in public. Having the freedom to do so is convenient, relaxing and very body positive. As a Nudist Dating, Naked outdoor shower is nice, best when shared. Quite the opposite of what most people think.
Showering will also be a personal event, but naturism has shown it doesn’t need walls or a curtain. How much thought to we give when we shower before jumping in a pool?
Having an public open air option is really convenient. There’s been many times I’ve rinsed off after a barefoot nature walk or washed away dirt and grime from the garden. There’s nothing quite as exhilarating or convenient as an outdoor shower.
Showers are naturally relaxing, but even more so in nature. I love the feeling of nature around me and seeing other nudist friends gives me a sense of security I never felt in a locker room. Find local nudist friends, enjoy the nudist dating. If you’ve never experienced an outdoor shower, you are missing a great experience!
Like the rest of naturism, showering or bathing around others(No matter they are nudist friends or not) increases our level of body positivity and acceptance because of the acceptance we give them and they give us. It’s a reinforcing cycle.
I live for the day I’m can come home from work and wash away the grime and stress and leave it outside. How great would that be? View our Nudist Dating Sites, Meet real people as who love to get naked. Sharing nudist experience each others.
Showering will also be a personal event, but naturism has shown it doesn’t need walls or a curtain. How much thought to we give when we shower before jumping in a pool?
Having an public open air option is really convenient. There’s been many times I’ve rinsed off after a barefoot nature walk or washed away dirt and grime from the garden. There’s nothing quite as exhilarating or convenient as an outdoor shower.
Showers are naturally relaxing, but even more so in nature. I love the feeling of nature around me and seeing other nudist friends gives me a sense of security I never felt in a locker room. Find local nudist friends, enjoy the nudist dating. If you’ve never experienced an outdoor shower, you are missing a great experience!
Like the rest of naturism, showering or bathing around others(No matter they are nudist friends or not) increases our level of body positivity and acceptance because of the acceptance we give them and they give us. It’s a reinforcing cycle.
I live for the day I’m can come home from work and wash away the grime and stress and leave it outside. How great would that be? View our Nudist Dating Sites, Meet real people as who love to get naked. Sharing nudist experience each others.
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nudist dating,
nudist friends,
nudist websites,
public shower,
Monday, July 11, 2016
I don’t need a suit.
Why? because they are completely worthless. Why did anyone ever think it was a good idea to wear clothing while wet? It doesn’t make sense. One, it drags a swimmer down, two, it clings to the body making any modesty mostly impossible, and three, it encourages staring. “Oh well, they’re covered, so I’m really not invading their privacy.” Check out Top 5 Nudist Dating Sites for Nudist friends first, Know more info about nudism.
What’s the line, “Oh, I don’t want to go to a nudist resort because I don’t’ want to see all those naked people?” But it is okay to fantasize about people naked when they are trying not to be? It just doesn’t make sense.
The above line of thinking is also ironic considering the roots of a bathing suit are because of prudish Victorians who really drove the whole nude=sex line of thinking. If they hadn’t of fought so hard ageist something so begin, then we wouldn’t be having these discussions and get on with our lives in a much more wholesome fashion.
Know more info about local nudist resorts and groups on the Nudist Dating Sites. Go to more nude resorts and patronize more nude events. Today we are free to be ourself, best if you like me naturally dare to bare. Trust and share how good you look nude. Be free. Be nude.
What’s the line, “Oh, I don’t want to go to a nudist resort because I don’t’ want to see all those naked people?” But it is okay to fantasize about people naked when they are trying not to be? It just doesn’t make sense.
The above line of thinking is also ironic considering the roots of a bathing suit are because of prudish Victorians who really drove the whole nude=sex line of thinking. If they hadn’t of fought so hard ageist something so begin, then we wouldn’t be having these discussions and get on with our lives in a much more wholesome fashion.
Know more info about local nudist resorts and groups on the Nudist Dating Sites. Go to more nude resorts and patronize more nude events. Today we are free to be ourself, best if you like me naturally dare to bare. Trust and share how good you look nude. Be free. Be nude.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Nudist Activity - Water Parks
Clothes are a great idea when you need protection from something - weather, hazardous materials, danger from injury from the activity, etc. But most activities can be done nude. For instance, How great would it be to go to a water park without a swimsuit? If you dare not go alone, you can seeking local nudist friends on the Nudist Websites first.
Imagine the rush of zipping down a water slide on a bare bum.
How refreshing the ride that drenches us over and over would be without soggy clothes.
The freedom to cool off with a slushy or ice cream while air drying. No mushy suits to sour the moment.
Why is this not a thing?
Oh to coast a lazy river and feeling the currents. Nothing in the way of fully enjoying the nudist experience. Just be nude. Enjoy the Nude Life.
Completely tuckered out after a full day of fun and activity. Never once thinking about how we look or what others might think. Just enjoying nude life for life’s sake. Leave nothing behind.
That’s how life should be lived. Are you ready? View more about nudism on the Nudist Websites.
Imagine the rush of zipping down a water slide on a bare bum.
How refreshing the ride that drenches us over and over would be without soggy clothes.
The freedom to cool off with a slushy or ice cream while air drying. No mushy suits to sour the moment.
Why is this not a thing?
Oh to coast a lazy river and feeling the currents. Nothing in the way of fully enjoying the nudist experience. Just be nude. Enjoy the Nude Life.
Completely tuckered out after a full day of fun and activity. Never once thinking about how we look or what others might think. Just enjoying nude life for life’s sake. Leave nothing behind.
That’s how life should be lived. Are you ready? View more about nudism on the Nudist Websites.
nude life,
nudist activities,
nudist websites
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Let’s Make This World A Nude-Friendly One
We all have a duty to protect and promote nudism/naturism. It’s not about pushing it on others or making people into something they’re not. It’s about keeping it possible for us to continue to live the way we want. You can know something about nudism on the Nudist Websites first.
There are those out there who have a misguided view about what nudism is and believe it should be shut down. That’s ignorance!
Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene. We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and other nudist friends as they are and for who they are.
If we don’t counter it when it comes up we lose. Because of how most modern societies view the human body we have an uphill battle, but it’s worth it. If we want to continue living this way, it’s worth it.
Do your job as a naturist/nudist. Talk to others and share what nudity is about. Invite them join in nudism. It will make all Nudist Friends, and all our lives, better. Nudist Friends should be naked together. There is nothing to be ashamed.
Let’s make this world a nude-friendly one. Know more about nudism on the best Nudist Websites.
There are those out there who have a misguided view about what nudism is and believe it should be shut down. That’s ignorance!
Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene. We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and other nudist friends as they are and for who they are.
If we don’t counter it when it comes up we lose. Because of how most modern societies view the human body we have an uphill battle, but it’s worth it. If we want to continue living this way, it’s worth it.
Do your job as a naturist/nudist. Talk to others and share what nudity is about. Invite them join in nudism. It will make all Nudist Friends, and all our lives, better. Nudist Friends should be naked together. There is nothing to be ashamed.
Let’s make this world a nude-friendly one. Know more about nudism on the best Nudist Websites.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Friends Should Be Naked Together.
We live in a natural world. We were born nude. Why then, should we have to wear clothes on a daily basis when they aren’t needed? The same goes for hanging out with Nudist Friends.
Do we need to wear clothing for protection? Do we need clothing to prove our social status with friends? Do we need clothing to validate our friendship?
Have you ever known something about nudism from the Nudist Websites. Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene. We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and other nudist friends as they are and for who they are. … nudism can help you accept yourself and others, reject shame and exploitation of the human body, and gain better self-esteem and self-worth. Give family-friendly nude recreation a try sometime. It could change your life! So break out of that mind Join in nudism. You’ll be glad you did. Know more about nudism and meet more nudist friends on the best Nudist Websites. We are here waiting for you.
Then why wear it? Wear or don’t wear what you want.
Do we need to wear clothing for protection? Do we need clothing to prove our social status with friends? Do we need clothing to validate our friendship?
Have you ever known something about nudism from the Nudist Websites. Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene. We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and other nudist friends as they are and for who they are. … nudism can help you accept yourself and others, reject shame and exploitation of the human body, and gain better self-esteem and self-worth. Give family-friendly nude recreation a try sometime. It could change your life! So break out of that mind Join in nudism. You’ll be glad you did. Know more about nudism and meet more nudist friends on the best Nudist Websites. We are here waiting for you.
Then why wear it? Wear or don’t wear what you want.
naked together,
nudist friends,
nudist websites
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Game Night with Friends
Nude game nights are the best! When everyone’s comfortable enough to be nude around Nudist Friends, everyone’s a winner. It’s even better when they can work together to take down the big boss or finally finish that campaign.
But it doesn’t have to just be video games. Huddle around a board game. Nothing brings friends closer than working on a puzzle or competing for the finish.
There are many other Friends can play like role playing games, card games, or even party games, like pictionary. Naked Friends who are confident in themselves and with each other shouldn’t have any problem play games nude together or accepting someone’s wish to be nude. Because playing video games with friends is good, but playing nude is better.
Are you game? Find nudist friends who have the same hobbies on the Nudist Websites. nudity is nothing to be something hidden or isolated. Let's play together.
But it doesn’t have to just be video games. Huddle around a board game. Nothing brings friends closer than working on a puzzle or competing for the finish.
There are many other Friends can play like role playing games, card games, or even party games, like pictionary. Naked Friends who are confident in themselves and with each other shouldn’t have any problem play games nude together or accepting someone’s wish to be nude. Because playing video games with friends is good, but playing nude is better.
Are you game? Find nudist friends who have the same hobbies on the Nudist Websites. nudity is nothing to be something hidden or isolated. Let's play together.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Nudist paradise
We are blessed every day we can be nude. Despite all the trials and troubles our day may bring, we can always find an oasis in ourselves.
It doesn’t matter if we live in a nudist resort or are nude only after getting home from work. The point is that we all find peace and tranquility in our nudity.
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We don’t know if we’ll be able to live nude later or what will happen between now and then. We are nude now.
Cherish our ability to be nude. Appreciate it and love every moment. It’s a gift we should always have. No matter you are nudist singles or nudist couples. Let's naked together. The best place to be nude is in your own home. The best way to be happy is to be with Nudist Friends.
It doesn’t matter if we live in a nudist resort or are nude only after getting home from work. The point is that we all find peace and tranquility in our nudity.
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We don’t know if we’ll be able to live nude later or what will happen between now and then. We are nude now.
Cherish our ability to be nude. Appreciate it and love every moment. It’s a gift we should always have. No matter you are nudist singles or nudist couples. Let's naked together. The best place to be nude is in your own home. The best way to be happy is to be with Nudist Friends.
Our Nudist Paradise is nudity. Wouldn’t have it any other way. I hope everyone is ready for tomorrow!!
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Nude Games
Sometimes things just feel right when they are together. Peanut butter and chocolate, cookies and cream, the sun and beach, etc. So it is with video games (or any form of play) and nudity. It just feels right.
Video games stimulate the mind in positive ways. They are great at helping bring us out of the day’s crunch and turn our minds off. To settle down and relax naturally.
It’s the same idea with nudity. Nudity stimulates the brain in positive ways and can be used to relieve stress without medicine.
So come home, strip down, and chill out with some video games. Of course you can invite Friends to play together. Playing video games with Nudist Friends is good, but playing nude is better.
Clothes serve no purpose for the video games at all and when moving and turning it feels great to be fully naked, unrestricted and free. It is a wonderful sensation to play games in the nude. Find friends who have the same hobbies on the Nudist Websites
Video games stimulate the mind in positive ways. They are great at helping bring us out of the day’s crunch and turn our minds off. To settle down and relax naturally.
It’s the same idea with nudity. Nudity stimulates the brain in positive ways and can be used to relieve stress without medicine.
So come home, strip down, and chill out with some video games. Of course you can invite Friends to play together. Playing video games with Nudist Friends is good, but playing nude is better.
Clothes serve no purpose for the video games at all and when moving and turning it feels great to be fully naked, unrestricted and free. It is a wonderful sensation to play games in the nude. Find friends who have the same hobbies on the Nudist Websites
Monday, June 6, 2016
Nudist Friends Are The Best Friends.
Friends who understand and help each other are the best kinds of friends. They will tell you what you don’t want to hear, but need to hear. They will laugh with you, cry with you, and help you. They are the best support network anyone can have.
They will not judge you for your actions, scorn you for your beliefs, or belittle you for what you love. These are not friends, they are enemies, rivals, and are set to tear you down and hold you back.
Find good Friends. Keep them close. Be happy. Here I will tell you 3 ways to find local nudist friends.
1. Take part in the local nudist groups. Being nude in groups makes us all feel more accepted. People from all walks of life are nudists. Find a secluded campground, private backyard, or nudist resort for a day of nude fun! Do arts, crafts, swim, play frisbee, listen to music, and have a cold beverage.
2. From friends. Your friends maybe know something of nudism. They will introduce you some friends.
They will not judge you for your actions, scorn you for your beliefs, or belittle you for what you love. These are not friends, they are enemies, rivals, and are set to tear you down and hold you back.
Find good Friends. Keep them close. Be happy. Here I will tell you 3 ways to find local nudist friends.
1. Take part in the local nudist groups. Being nude in groups makes us all feel more accepted. People from all walks of life are nudists. Find a secluded campground, private backyard, or nudist resort for a day of nude fun! Do arts, crafts, swim, play frisbee, listen to music, and have a cold beverage.
2. From friends. Your friends maybe know something of nudism. They will introduce you some friends.
3. From the Nudist websites. I think it's the most effective way. No matter where are you from.
Humans dare to bare, we Love to feel the sun, the wind or the cool water on naked skin. Anyone who has ever spent any time naked outdoors knows that the play of the elements over the body produces an ever-changing response. The skin becomes alive and responsive and a whole new spectrum of sensation is generated.
Finally, good luck for you!!!
Friday, June 3, 2016
Naked Together
People often ask - what is it that nudists do? There are lots of activities you can do nude! For instance, a nude house Naked Party! Just invite some friends over, play board games or card games, watch a movie, put on some music and dance, or just have a nice dinner together.
There is a misconception perpetuated by the porn industry that nudists get together to have sex. But that’s not true. Nudist Friends get together for house Nudist Dating, cookouts, volleyball, swimming, hiking, camping, bowling, billiards, watching movies, reading, playing card games, nude flying, and on, and on.
Nudists go without clothes because we are more comfortable physically with having no restraints of clothing on our skin. We’ re just normal people with cars, homes, families, jobs, dreams, pets, hobbies, friends and normal daily lives just like anybody else. only one difference. We like to be naked. And we’re more comfortable psychologically with who we are as people. We accept others for who they are, not for what they look like.
There is a misconception perpetuated by the porn industry that nudists get together to have sex. But that’s not true. Nudist Friends get together for house Nudist Dating, cookouts, volleyball, swimming, hiking, camping, bowling, billiards, watching movies, reading, playing card games, nude flying, and on, and on.
Nudists go without clothes because we are more comfortable physically with having no restraints of clothing on our skin. We’ re just normal people with cars, homes, families, jobs, dreams, pets, hobbies, friends and normal daily lives just like anybody else. only one difference. We like to be naked. And we’re more comfortable psychologically with who we are as people. We accept others for who they are, not for what they look like.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Laundry Hangout
In a different reality, I think laundromats would be a great hangout for nudists. It is an excellent excuse to get nude. “But of course one must get every scrap of fabric clean. I don’t want to waste my time.”
Yes, it is not the most thought of place for nudists considering their views on clothing, but we do have our ever present towels and I’m sure bedsheets.
But how cool would it be to walk in and see everyone nude, waiting for the load to end? Just add a coffee shop and we’re set.
Yes, it is not the most thought of place for nudists considering their views on clothing, but we do have our ever present towels and I’m sure bedsheets.
But how cool would it be to walk in and see everyone nude, waiting for the load to end? Just add a coffee shop and we’re set.
It's one place for nudists to share our experience. No matter you are couple, nudist singles or nudist couples. In this way, you can make more Local Nudist friends. Sharing nudist experience each others.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
What did you do over the summer?
How could clothing make this a better experience?
I say it would actually make it worse.
There’s worrying about body image to fit that swimsuit. The swimsuit makes the wearer self-conscious about parts of their body that shouldn’t be covered anymore than a hand or head. This poor self-image with clothing put barriers between Nudist Friends, keeping them from having complete and deeper-meaning friendships.
Much less the worry about losing the suit in such turbulent waters. Drying, packing, carrying the suit afterwards is also a pain. Just go without and save the trouble. Besides, hiking, walking, running is so much better without clothing.
There’s worrying about body image to fit that swimsuit. The swimsuit makes the wearer self-conscious about parts of their body that shouldn’t be covered anymore than a hand or head. This poor self-image with clothing put barriers between Nudist Friends, keeping them from having complete and deeper-meaning friendships.
Much less the worry about losing the suit in such turbulent waters. Drying, packing, carrying the suit afterwards is also a pain. Just go without and save the trouble. Besides, hiking, walking, running is so much better without clothing.
You can meet more nudist friends on the Nudist Websites. So keep calm and go naturally with friends. Is there anything better than taking your clothes off? Living comfortably in your body is the best way to live.
So take off your status. Nude on.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Playful nudism
Being social with Nudist Friends is nice, but it’s even better when everyone is socially nude. In some ways it’s like being a kid. There’s the innocence and simplicity of being nude. We can run and jump and never have to worry about getting our clothes dirty. Nothing is holding us back. It is a good and safe way to let go and have fun.
It is safe because social nudity inherently relies on trust, honesty, and caring. Taking away our pretenses and barriers (i.e. clothes) requires a lot of trust we must be honest with ourselves about. We must also take care with others because they are entrusting us with the same.
The problem is that you know how to find local nudist friends? Here the Nudist Dating Site will help you. It's easy to sign up. Only use your email and join free now. No matter you are single man, women or couple. You can find your mates here. Otherwise, There are nudist friends from all over the world. you can choice the friends where you want to meet. It's so easy.
It’s this relationship between playfulness and trust that gives social nudity it’s depth and value commonly missing in mainstream society. Where else can adults go where they are free to let go and laugh with glee and abandon? Where children can learn how to build real social skills while being valued and accepted for who they are, not trying to be what society wants them to be. Where everyone can feel like they are on the same level.
The only question now is, are you up for it?
We’re waiting.
It is safe because social nudity inherently relies on trust, honesty, and caring. Taking away our pretenses and barriers (i.e. clothes) requires a lot of trust we must be honest with ourselves about. We must also take care with others because they are entrusting us with the same.
The problem is that you know how to find local nudist friends? Here the Nudist Dating Site will help you. It's easy to sign up. Only use your email and join free now. No matter you are single man, women or couple. You can find your mates here. Otherwise, There are nudist friends from all over the world. you can choice the friends where you want to meet. It's so easy.
It’s this relationship between playfulness and trust that gives social nudity it’s depth and value commonly missing in mainstream society. Where else can adults go where they are free to let go and laugh with glee and abandon? Where children can learn how to build real social skills while being valued and accepted for who they are, not trying to be what society wants them to be. Where everyone can feel like they are on the same level.
The only question now is, are you up for it?
We’re waiting.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Be nude, Be healthy
Staying fit and healthy is more than just a state of being, it is a state of mind. How we see ourselves has an impact on how healthy we are.
Nudity helps us stay fit because it allows us to see our bodies as they are. When we see ourselves as ourselves and not the illusion sold to us by clothing, we can more realistically appraise our progress and reinforce our goals. It is like how mirrors help weightlifters improve their form and ability. If we can’t see and understand ourselves, how will we ever improve?
A healthy mind leads to a healthy body and vise versa and continues for a lifetime. How do you see yourself? Find local nudist on the Nudist Dating Site.
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Nudist Women |
A healthy mind leads to a healthy body and vise versa and continues for a lifetime. How do you see yourself? Find local nudist on the Nudist Dating Site.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Do Not Shy Away, Let's Party.
When we meet Local Nudist on a beach or in our backyard the greeting and interaction should be no different than if we were clothed. It is part of who we are as nudists to be proud of ourselves and how we live. It is our choice to allow others to make us feel ashamed or embarrassed.
I recently read that embarrassment was a person’s acknowledgement of breaking an accepted social custom. Nudity is our custom. Why should we be embarrassed?
Next time we meet someone who tries to make us feel bad or embarrassed about our nudity, just smile and wave. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.
I recently read that embarrassment was a person’s acknowledgement of breaking an accepted social custom. Nudity is our custom. Why should we be embarrassed?
Next time we meet someone who tries to make us feel bad or embarrassed about our nudity, just smile and wave. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Otherwise we can meet more friends on the Nudist Dating Site.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Hotel Dating
Hotels are places to relax. They are for people to unwind and prep. How better to do that than as we are most comfortable?
It’s not as if there aren’t plenty of opportunities to be nude in and around a hotel. There’s the room, the pool, the workout room, the breakfast bar, spa, and whatever other amenities they might provide.
And how better to meet people? Social nudists already know it’s easy for Single Nudist find their mates. We can’t help it and hotels are great for that. You never know who you’ll meet or get into a conversation with.
When I travel I try to find a nude club or resort. It’s how I best relax, meet Local Nudist, and enjoy traveling. Too bad more hotels aren’t open for it.
How do you like traveling?
It’s not as if there aren’t plenty of opportunities to be nude in and around a hotel. There’s the room, the pool, the workout room, the breakfast bar, spa, and whatever other amenities they might provide.
And how better to meet people? Social nudists already know it’s easy for Single Nudist find their mates. We can’t help it and hotels are great for that. You never know who you’ll meet or get into a conversation with.
When I travel I try to find a nude club or resort. It’s how I best relax, meet Local Nudist, and enjoy traveling. Too bad more hotels aren’t open for it.
How do you like traveling?
Friday, May 13, 2016
This is what nudism is all about!
We get many questions from people interested in nudism about a variety of things. Such as, “Where do nudists keep their keys or their money?” We keep keys in a bag, on a string tied to our wrist or around our neck, or attached to a sandal. We keep money in a pouch or a wallet in a bag, a fanny-pack, or attached to our wrist or our sandals.
Believe you're not alone. Single Nudist should be naked together. Find local nudist friends or join their group. Enjoy the naked freedom together.
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Naked with nudist friends |
Another question we get often from women is, “What do women do when it’s that time of the month?” We always say “Do what is comfortable for you.”
Some nudist women wear bikini bottoms or shorts and use a pad or tampon. Some are comfortable using a tampon, tucking the string, and going nude. Some prefer wearing a cup. Some plan to not attend nude events during that time. It’s entirely what is comfortable for YOU!
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