Sunday, December 4, 2016

Real Nudist Have No Secret.

We all have our secrets. Something that is personal and only we know. Nudism and naturism shouldn’t be one of those secrets. Real Nudist have no secret, real nudist swap nude times each other.
It’s hard to keep something like that secret anyway. People know. They can tell when others are holding back. It can create tension and might drive a wedge into a relationship.

If we can’t share our nudity with our friends or know they wouldn’t understand, are they the type of friends we want to have?

Telling family is up to the individual. For some, it works out well. For others it’s worth the effort to wait until later or not at all.

In general, friends and family shouldn’t keep secrets from each other. Especially when the secret is something as big and life defining at nudism or naturism.

Nudism is not sex. nudism is not porn. nudism is family friendly. Nudism increases self - confidence and is for everybodyNudism is a kind of therapy. It’s always an incredible feel good experience. Just do everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene.  We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and others as they are and for who they are. Real nudists naked together. Nudism can help you accept yourself and others, reject shame and exploitation of the human body, and gain better self-esteem and self-worth. 

Real nudist have to secret. Give family-friendly nude recreation a try sometime. It could change your life!

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