Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Self Renewal

After a long period of work, not just a good day, but a good week, a good month of work there needs to be a period of recharge that goes beyond the daily meditations and respite. It needs to be a prolonged period of renewal for the self and spirit.

Meet nudist friends, throw off your clothes; throw off your worries. This renewal needs to take away all the stress, all the worry, and the daily reminders of “normal” life so we can become ourselves again. Many people and corporate strategists call it “unplugging.” It goes beyond leaving the phones behind though. It is about completely forgetting and letting go of our problems so when we come back, we can face them in new ways we never imagined and with energy to spare.

If the goal is to let go of who we are and where we came from, why even consider bringing clothing that would remind us of it all? They’d just get in the way. Think about how much of what we wear is associated with who we are in our minds. Of how the point of nudism is becoming reconnected with who we are and forgetting our labels in life.

Besides, nudists don’t have pockets to carry phones. The first step of “unplugging” has already been accomplished! Sharing your manners with other nudist friends on the Nudist Websites.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Clothing Optional.

Naturists and textiles need to share the road. Working side by side will not only help increase acceptance, understanding, and normalize casual nudity but will strengthen society overall.
We shouldn’t be forced to hide who we are or how we want to live. We need to get the message out that naturism and nudism are okay and a way of life that can work in society.

Naturism/nudism is a show of body confidence that benefits everyone by tearing away the notion that only one body type is acceptable.

Meet nudist friends, sharing our likes and interests can spark new ideas and interests in others. I’ve rarely seen groups fail when they are open to new ideas and accept everyone for who they are.

Meet nudist Friends, It’s amazing how much the world changes when we take off our clothes. Hanging out with nudist friends in the nude. Dare to bare - feel real differences together with nudist friends. Be free. Be nude.

There will always be some line of division. What matters is how we handle it and that the agreements we come to serve both interests as best as possible.

People are people. We are all different. Part of growing up is learning to share the road and accept ourselves and others for who we are.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Nudist Children

Parents of children who like to take their clothes off. I have some advice: Let them... (Unless the situation demands otherwise, for example, they are in a public place, there are friends nearby who might not understand, they are putting themselves in bodily harm, etc. Use your parent’s intuition to help a child learn when it is and isn’t okay to be nude).
And why wouldn’t Nudist Family have more fun? They get to be naked! Otherwise, there are many benefits of being nude with your family. Common home nudity should be practiced by all families for a myriad of reasons: It's fun!

The benefits of living a nude life are countless. Nudist children usually grow up understanding their body and not fearing it. They see their friends messing themselves up trying to follow the fashion trends of the day and wrecking themselves to meet impossible standards because of low body-image.
Nudist children usually don’t suffer from poor body image because they know how great and amazing the body is. Their body is not a mystery to them. This allows them a greater ability to fully realize what their body can do and how it works. After winning that battle, what’s there to be afraid?

Living nude allows the skin to fully function as an environmental receptor. Instead of only taking in touch sense through the hands and face, the whole body takes it in. Meaning that more neural pathways are developed and opened, increasing the mind for a wider, more sophisticated, processing of what is going on around them. This is especially important during the formative years because it will help train the brain to be more flexible. A flexible brain helps ward off mental disorders later in life. 
Meet nudist friends, sharing nudism with nudist friends. Nudism is fun! Not only is experiencing everything great for the brain, it feels good too since it causes the brain to release endorphins or the “feel good” hormone. This is the same feeling athletes get after a good workout. (Which only adds more positive feelings towards their body-image!)

But the best part is, nudism is not just for kids. Parents should do it to since the same benefit applies to them as well. Living as nudist family. It’s never too early or late to start living as we were born to live.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Be Proud of ourselves - Real Nudists

We’ve got a one of a kind body, so why not be proud of it? It’s our life, why not make it ours? Real nudists don't hide themselves.
The great thing about nudity is that it lives up to the hype. It’s not a gimmick or scam. When we are nude, what society tells us about our bodies doesn’t matter. Being nude feels great. It’s the best and easiest way to overcome body shame, low self-esteem, and low self-image.

No group I know of makes someone feel like they belong better than real nudists. That’s because being around other helps us realize we are the same. We all have our unique qualities but everyone is basically the same. There’s no posturing, no boasting, and very little judgement. Believe it or not, that’s a mega confidence booster. Real nudists dare to bare, It a vast world out there. Adventure nude! 

Think about it, what meter did we use to judge others and how were we judged? Clothing! Take that away and what do you have? Almost no judgement and a lot less stress. Who cares what we wear when we’re all bare!

It’s our life, why not be happy with it and proud of ourselves? As a real nudist, take off your clothing and own your life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Nude Swap

Swap how good you look nude. Nude Swap & be inspired: Shedding clothes together is a kind of trust, freedom, openness and a display of a positive body image. Nude swap means less hiding & more freedom. You’ll love to hang out seasides without any additions or covering up to feel unrestricted - for sure not wearing a stitch of clothing the nude state will brighten the day! The interaction that friends want while being skinny together is not with your facade but with you. Though nudity is may the best way of building relationships & an open minded nudist community - all benefits that make it also easier to establish and enjoy strong friendships.
Break the clothes addiction: Be the first in your friend group, who’ll suggest a pants-free stroll beachsides. When we’re naked, we’re all equal. Nobody’s greater than anybody else. And that right there is peace and true freedom. We are treated with respect, dignity and equality when we are socially nude with others. …and the freeing feeling of the air, water and sun on the skin will be a very powerful de-stressing experience. If someone fetch a delighted view of the naked hunk’s display it doesn’t really matter. You trust the other to take you as you are! Embrace all of yourself, and see how great life can be when you allow it to be!

Always worth to go ahead: Nude swap. Join in Nudist Community. Rid yourself of shame! There’s nothing quite like to revitalize your body. Enjoy nude life! It’s relaxing to be who we are in a crowd of people. Once if you start, you’ll never stop, cause you’ll never find a more comfortable feeling. See how great life can be when you allow it to be! Get it within pride but for sure without a towel!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Real Nudist Have No Secret.

We all have our secrets. Something that is personal and only we know. Nudism and naturism shouldn’t be one of those secrets. Real Nudist have no secret, real nudist swap nude times each other.
It’s hard to keep something like that secret anyway. People know. They can tell when others are holding back. It can create tension and might drive a wedge into a relationship.

If we can’t share our nudity with our friends or know they wouldn’t understand, are they the type of friends we want to have?

Telling family is up to the individual. For some, it works out well. For others it’s worth the effort to wait until later or not at all.

In general, friends and family shouldn’t keep secrets from each other. Especially when the secret is something as big and life defining at nudism or naturism.

Nudism is not sex. nudism is not porn. nudism is family friendly. Nudism increases self - confidence and is for everybodyNudism is a kind of therapy. It’s always an incredible feel good experience. Just do everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. Nudism is about comfort, freedom, friendship, and acceptance. Nudism is a way of life and a belief that the nude human body is not inherently sexual or obscene.  We only have one body and one life to live. We should learn to accept ourselves and others as they are and for who they are. Real nudists naked together. Nudism can help you accept yourself and others, reject shame and exploitation of the human body, and gain better self-esteem and self-worth. 

Real nudist have to secret. Give family-friendly nude recreation a try sometime. It could change your life!