Monday, December 19, 2016

Nudist Children

Parents of children who like to take their clothes off. I have some advice: Let them... (Unless the situation demands otherwise, for example, they are in a public place, there are friends nearby who might not understand, they are putting themselves in bodily harm, etc. Use your parent’s intuition to help a child learn when it is and isn’t okay to be nude).
And why wouldn’t Nudist Family have more fun? They get to be naked! Otherwise, there are many benefits of being nude with your family. Common home nudity should be practiced by all families for a myriad of reasons: It's fun!

The benefits of living a nude life are countless. Nudist children usually grow up understanding their body and not fearing it. They see their friends messing themselves up trying to follow the fashion trends of the day and wrecking themselves to meet impossible standards because of low body-image.
Nudist children usually don’t suffer from poor body image because they know how great and amazing the body is. Their body is not a mystery to them. This allows them a greater ability to fully realize what their body can do and how it works. After winning that battle, what’s there to be afraid?

Living nude allows the skin to fully function as an environmental receptor. Instead of only taking in touch sense through the hands and face, the whole body takes it in. Meaning that more neural pathways are developed and opened, increasing the mind for a wider, more sophisticated, processing of what is going on around them. This is especially important during the formative years because it will help train the brain to be more flexible. A flexible brain helps ward off mental disorders later in life. 
Meet nudist friends, sharing nudism with nudist friends. Nudism is fun! Not only is experiencing everything great for the brain, it feels good too since it causes the brain to release endorphins or the “feel good” hormone. This is the same feeling athletes get after a good workout. (Which only adds more positive feelings towards their body-image!)

But the best part is, nudism is not just for kids. Parents should do it to since the same benefit applies to them as well. Living as nudist family. It’s never too early or late to start living as we were born to live.

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